Using Hilarity For Charity

God loves a cheerful giver, so why not use a comedian for your next fundraiser. Over the last few years, Gordon has raised millions of dollars for a variety of ministries and causes. Gordon takes part in over 30 fundraising events a year - primarily raising money for pregnancy centers. But he has also raised money to fight cancer, Habitat for Humanity, Knights of Columbus, mission trips, Humankind Water, and so many more.
Over 70% have Gordon back the next year. Why? Because he uses comedy to connect with the audience, powerfully present your vision or need, and has a unique way of encouraging people to partner with you financially.

Gloria Leyda at Ambassador Speakers in Nashville handles all of Gordon's fundraising events. Contact her at 615-370-4700 ext. 235 or e-mail her at to book your fundraiser!
If you work at a pregnancy center, please watch the videos to your left to overcome your fear of using a comedian at your banquets. Be assured that Gordon will not make fun of your ministry or make light of the abortion epidemic. See for yourself that Gordon does what no other speaker does, in connecting with the audience, casting your vision, and motivating people to partner with you.

Also, if you are planning a banquet, check out Mike's Williams website for some great tips and information provided by America's number one fundraiser ten years in a row!