Contact Me

Hi Friends,
The best way to reach me is by email:
Due to the number of cell phone calls, and privacy issues, we now have an office phone, that has a machine - feel free to leave a message there as well. That number is 610-459-1502.
You may also fill out the contact form below. Please leave your contact information, preferred dates, and the address of any potential booking. I check this every couple of hours and will usually answer within 24 hours.
Gordon does over 100 events every year. But that still leaves over 200 days to fit you in. E-mail your primary date and possible back-up date, the purpose of the event, and how many people you expect to attend. Be sure to include the best way to contact you. Within a week you should receive a response, financial options, and a contract.
For fundraising events, Gordon is more than glad to talk to you and help you plan. But all pregnancy center fundraisers will be forwarded to Gloria Leyda at Ambassador Speakers in Nashville. She can be contacted via email at or by phone at (615) 370-4700 ext. 235.
Click here for promotional materials including posters, pictures, videos, and more! Also, if you'd like to know where Gordon is going to be or receive his quarterly newsletter, email him your request!